Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit (NMR unit)
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy - Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 52631 (NMR) / 838 52787 (EA) |
Dr. Mario Schubert ( NMR
Eleonore Christmann ( EA
Nuclear magnetic resonance
Bruker AVANCE700 (700 MHz), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Jeol ECZ600 S (600 MHz, solid state NMR), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Jeol ECZ600 (600 MHz, 1H, 19F, 13C, 31P, 29Si, 15N), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Jeol ECP500 (500 MHz, sample changer), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Bruker AVANCE500 (500 MHz, DOSY, BCUX for measurements down to -60 C), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Jeol ECX400 (400 MHz, sample changer, 31P, 11B und 19F, 1H-19F-BB-Tripleresonance), on enquiry, training is mandatory
Elementar Vario EL (2 Säulen, C-H-N), only as a service
Elementar Vario EL (3 Säulen, C-H-N-S), only as a service
Service NMR (BSM), all BioSupraMol users with BSM-ID, sample hand-over labels can be downloaded below
Service EA (BSM), all BioSupraMol users, sample hand-over labels can be downloaded below
Booking requirements:
Services for routine measurements are open to all BSM users, the BioSupraMol-ID (BSM-ID) is required.
none assisted measurements are possible on enquiry, training is mandatory.