Classical & Supramolecular MS Unit (supraMS unit)
supra Mass spektrometry ![]() - Takustraße 3, 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 53043 (MS) / 838 55328 (IR) |
Dr. Andreas Springer (
universal (
CI - Chemical ionisation, CIS - Coordination ion spray, EI - Electron ionisation, ESI - Electrospray ionisation (ESI), FD/FI - NSI - Nano electrospray ionisation („static needle“), PESI - Probe ESI
FTICR-MS - Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Q-MS quadrupole mass spectrometrie, Sector mass spectrometry, TOF-MS - time-of-flight mass spektrometry, QTOF-MS - quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, IM-MS - Ion mobility spectrometry–mass spectrometry
MS² - tandem mass spectrometry (CID, SORI-CID, ECD, ETD), (U)HPLC-MS - (Ultra) high performance liquid chromatography mass spektrometry, GC-MS - Gas chromatography mass spektrometry, gasphase chemistry, CCS - collision cross section, quantification, reaction monitoring, strukture determination
FT-IR - Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
Ionspec QFT-7 (ESI-FTICR-MS), directly bookable, training required, limited service
Agilent 5977E MSD (mit 7820A GC, GC-MS), directly bookable, training required, limited service
Agilent 6230 System (mit 1260 Infinity II LC-System und 1100er DAD-Detektor, HPLC-MS), directly bookable, training required, service measurements
Waters Autospec Premier (mit Agilent 7890B GC, HR-EI-MS), directly bookable, training required (very complex to use), mostly service measurements
Waters UPLC-Synapt G2-S HDMS (Acquity UPLC-System mit DAD-Detektor, UHPLC-ESI-IMS-MS/MS), directly bookable, training required, service measurements
Bruker Alpha II FT-IR -Spektrometer, directly bookable, training required, service measurements
Service supraMS, all BSM users with BSM-ID
Booking requirements:
Service for routine measurements is open to all BSM users, the BioSupraMol-ID (BSM-ID) is required. Sample hand-over lables are below.
Assisted and unassisted measurements are possible, security intsruction and training on the respective machine is mandatory.
All self-users must first register with the supraMS unit (Register with Supramolecular Mass Spectrometry Unit) including one-time approval by the group head.
- CCS - collision cross section
- CI - chemical ionisation
- CIS-MS - coordination ion spray mass spectrometry
- EI - electron ionisation
- ESI - electrospray ionisation
- FD - field desorption
- FT-IR - Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
- FTICR-MS - Fourier-transform ionen zyklotron resonanz mass spectrometry
- gasphase chemistry
- GC-MS - GC coupled mass spectrometry
- IR - infrared spectroscopy
- MS² - tandem mass spectrometry (CID, SORI-CID, ECD, ETD)
- NSI - nano electrospray ionisation
- PESI – probe ESI
- Q-MS - quadrupole mass spectrometry
- QTOF-MS - quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
- SF-MS - sector field mass spectrometry
- TOF-MS - time-of-flight mass spectrometry